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Webmaster Tools Section
to get the best html editors , graphic programs ,.......


Banner Design Section  to have your banner designed professionally and just for 15$

sphereWeb Design section is my web design service.I design professional and low cost web sites for your company.Also I design homepages.

sphereYou can find what program you want from catagorized Programs Section

spherelinks section contains links and webmaster resources.If you want to get listed put my small banner to your site and send e-mail

sphereA must visit part of my site is photoshop tutorials section.This section uptades every week.(now under construction)

sphereHtml Tutorials Section is the place you go through the steps and code a basic page.And Html Lessons Section is a course for you to learn the basics of html.

sphereAnd if you want to learn about me click the About Me link



Frames Tutorial

let's make a frames page with two frames and with these options:
noscrolling,two columns,"26%,74%" are the sizes of the columns.
The first column will be a navigation frame.The second will be the index page.
first prepare a only menu page.this will include all the parts of your web page
I only use text link you can use graphics(optimized) to make it rich.save it as 
Here is the code for navigation menu.(you can use your own codes)

<body bgcolor="black">
<font color="#5ea6fd" size="6">
<p><a href="programlar.htm">programlar</a></p>
<p><a href="links.htm">links</a></p>

2.now prepare an index page.
Here is the code for a simple index page.(you can use your own codes)
then save it frame2.html

<body bgcolor="black">
<font color="#5ea6fd" size="4">
<p>this is my first frame page</p>
<p>(instructions about your web page)</p>

3.Now the index and menu pages are ok.Let's make a frame page.

<head><title>frame page</title></head>
<frameset cols="22%,78%" bordercolor="#5ea6fd">
<frame src="frame1.html" name="menu" scrolling="auto" noresize>
<frame src="frame2.html" name="index" scrolling="auto" noresize>

download this tutorial in a zip file!*!*!*!click!*!*!*!
(frame1.html, frame2.html, frametutorial.html and instructions.html are included)